Our people

IDEA Services Board

Suzanne Win


Suzanne Win

Suzanne brings to the IDEA Services Board a wealth of experience at all levels of the sector. She began her working life as a nurse, moving quickly to managing services for people with intellectual and physical disabilities in the Nelson/Marlborough region. Other roles have included Director of Dental Services in Canberra, responsibility for purchasing disability services across the Southern Region, and Deputy Director General Ministry of Health. Suzanne was the chair of Careerforce (the ITO for Social Services), was on the Board of Gracelands, Te Awamutu and held the position of Chair of Nelson Marlborough DHB.

Suzanne has been an auditor evaluating services across the Health and Disability Sector (primarily in the intellectual disability area) for more than a decade and has family members with intellectual disability.

Tony Shaw

IHC Board Chair

Tony Shaw

Tony has had a long history with IHC, originally at local level and then at national level. He was reappointed to the IHC Board in September 2019 and elected Chair in February 2020, having previously been on the Board from 1998 to November 2005, and IHC New Zealand President from 2002 to 2005. He is an IHC New Zealand Life Member.

Tony was a partner in the Timaru law firm Timpany Walton for almost 40 years and is a director of several private companies. He has a broad experience in community and volunteer organisations, often in the role of chairperson.

Dr Lynne Lane

Dr Lynne Lane

Dr Lane is a Public Health Physician committed to improving peoples’ health and wellbeing. She is an experienced Director in the healthcare sector with more than 25 years’ experience in private and public health service strategic planning, funding and service management.

Cherie McConville

Cherie McConville

Cherie lives and works in Dunedin. She trained and commenced her career as a Registered Nurse, but has spent much of it in leadership roles in the health before moving to the tertiary education sector.

Cherie is committed to advocating and supporting the rights of people living with disabilities. Her doctorate explored sustainable business models in order to create accessible adventure for all people, no matter their level of ability. She has also contributed to disability at a local governance level on the Family Network and for Conductive Education. Cherie has two children, one of which has high and complex needs.

Jean O'Callaghan

Jean O'Callaghan

Jean spent her career in the health sector before retiring four years ago. Starting out as a nurse, she worked in hospitals and community settings before moving into management. She has worked in senior management roles in NZ, Australia and the UK including 16 years in Chief Executive roles. Jean was appointed as a deputy commissioner to the Southern District Health Board and then a board member in 2019. She also participates in a range of interests and activities locally and is a board member of Headlight, a local mental health trust. 

Vicki Owen

Vicki Owen

Vicki is a parent and has been a member of the IHC Wellington Association for a number of years. She also serves on the Member Council.

Vicki practises as a barrister and solicitor specialising in public law, and works for a number of government departments and statutory bodies.

Barbara Rocco

Barbara Rocco

Barbara is a parent and has been involved with IHC for many years. She has formerly held the roles of Vice President, President and is the current Chair of the Member Council. Barbara is also a member of the IHC Board. She was previously a high school teacher and is a former owner of a vineyard and restaurant business in Blenheim. Barbara is an IHC New Zealand Life Member.