Kapa haka rōpū from around the country will be back on stage in September for the 2021 Te Anga Pāua o Aotearoa National Kapa Haka Festival.
This is a public event, and we encourage family, whānau, friends and kapa haka lovers to attend and enjoy the festival. This is a smoke and alcohol-free event.
Event details
Tuesday 21 September 2021
Rotorua Energy Events Centre,
Queens Drive, Rotorua
Doors open at 8:30am
Kore utu / Free event
If you would like to find out more about this event, including how to get involved, please contact Taki.peeke@IDEA.ORG.NZ.
For media enquiries, please contact Maia.Renner@IHC.ORG.NZ.